
The primary reason that goats and sheep wear bells is so that farmers can find them. Pastures can be large, hilly, and covered with tall grass, so seeing every sheep and goat is not always easy. Bells help the farmers find out of sight animals and ensure none get lost.


Bells make it easy to find a single sheep, and they also make it easy to locate the entire herd. Without seeing their sheep or goats, farmers can tell that they are in the proper location by listening for the sound of their bells, and they can react quickly to any problems quickly thanks to information they can pick up from the bells.


You don’t always need to put a bell on an animal to protect it. Sometimes it’s to protect you. Rams can be aggressive and like to sneak up behind you and attack, which can hurt. If you place a bell on the ram, you will be able to hear it coming and can get out of the way.


Putting a bell on your sheep and goats can give you some insight and show what they’re doing when you can’t see them. The more the animal moves, the more the bell will jingle so you can tell if the herd is standing around and grazing or running to escape a predator. This sound can be a huge bonus if it is a predator, as you can quickly get into motion. The bill will also help you know when the herd moves too slowly to reach its destination on time.


Another good reason to put a bell on sheep or goats is to deter predators. Some bells are quite loud, especially when compared to the normal noise a sheep or goat makes, and it might be enough to scare away a dangerous predator. The sudden ringing can alert you to the danger.